Best used cars in Estonia

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Best used cars in Estonia!
We provide best quality and cheapest price on the market. How we do that?
Everything begins from finding suitable cars. We have our own purchase team, which stays alert 24/7 to find best deals thru Europe. Also we have wide network of partners, which can provide us good deals. Such as - insurance companies, banks, car repair shops and other quality brand dealerships such as Toyota, Nissan, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz etc.
After finding suitable car, cars are transported with our own transportation team with the truck. Truck will bring the cars to our own repair shop, where they go thru strict quality control. If any mistakes found, car will be sent straight to our repair shop for fixing.
From repair shop, cars are transported directly to our dealership where they will be detailed / pictured / listed for sales. After that our trained / professional car salesmen will help the client to find most suitable option for ones needs.
We have multiple companies, which makes our organisation able to make:
These make labour cost lower, which allows us to provide better and cheaper cars to the clients.
We sell used cars, so in some cases they might have minor issues.
If that's the case seller will inform the client about the mistakes, which are also often mentioned in the advertisement of the vehicle. We also take cars in exchange.
We are always trying to offer best possible product for clients needs.
Our car dealership is based in Estonia, Laagri.
Address: Urda tee 3-10, 75304, Jälgimäe, Harju maakond
We deliver cars worldwide. Ask shipping fee directly from the seller.
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